Oooh. A new show to become addicted to!!! Ace of Cakes on the Food Network.
Duff Goldman and his team create some of the most fabulous cakes out there and now we get to see all about what goes on behind the scenes. They can have twenty cakes a week and barely be able to get them all done because they are so intricate and detailed.
He has had cooking jobs with Thomas Keller, Todd English among others. But for Duff needed his own shop to create what he wanted to. He used to be a grafitti artist so you can guess that he is not tied down to any traditional concepts of cake decoration. He would love to be able to accept commissions for only the most creative cake decorating projects.
He quickly outgrew his home kitchen and smaller kitchens. Now, he and his friends have taken up residence in a 6,000 foot space. He only hires people he knows and likes. And of course Duff is in an Indie band.
His website is City Cakes and his show appears on Food Network
Here are some of the cakes I think are great

Oh, the Death Star...I am such a nerd. I like that one the best :)
Thank you for posting these Pict's...they are wonderful! We chose not to get cable and thus don't watch TV, so I wouldn't have seen them otherwise.
I'm a child of the 70's and so I cant help but LOVE the roller skate!!! But honestly they are all so much impressive and fun!
You two are so funny.
those are my favorites of the fun ones. The blue with the red flowers is my favorite of the more traditional ones.
Thanks for posting aobut this. I'm so out of the loop since I started my new job that I never know what new shows are on. Definitely wrote that one down to find and DVR. Look at all those cakes. They can't help but make you smile or say "ahhh..." Love the poker table and the monkeys. Also think the red flowers on the sky blue cake is a very eye-catching color combo.
I'm in awe of anyone who can decorate a cake like this -- and then be willing to blow it up! Ace of Cakes is a hoot.
I have not watched a cooking show in so long but I was flipping the channels and saw an ad for this show and quickly tivo'ed it.
He does some amazing/crazy cakes alright. I actually made a death star cake as a kid for my 10th. It was not as refined as his of course but a darn good attempt I believe.
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