Saturday, July 01, 2006

EVENT: Paper Chef #19 - Final Ingredients Announced

The ingredient list is out!! Paper Chef#19 has started! Chef's sharpen those knives put on your thinking caps and create!

I am the Guest Judge this month because I was lucky enough to win last month's Paper Chef#18.

And the randomly-selected final list of ingredients is:

Pine Nuts
Ground coriander
The wild card for this event is Independence Day. Whether you're American,
Ethiopian, Chilean, or Thai, create a recipe that celebrates your nation's
emancipation from its previous rulers or form of government or whatever other
thing celebrated to honor nationhood.

The submission date for entries is Monday, July 10 at 10:00 am EST. This gives everyone a full week to not only come up with a recipe but also get the post
written (and clean up from the festivities).
The technoratti tag is:

So Check out the following for full directions:
Seriously Good: Paper Chef #19, Final Ingredients

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